Employment Law Reminder: New OSHA Reporting Requirements Now in Effect – Are You in Compliance?
It has been a busy year-end for the Department of Labor with new rules and guidance. Although employers were recently granted a temporary reprieve with respect to the Department of Labor’s new overtime regulations, this week a federal court refused to grant an injunction with respect to OSHA’s new electronic reporting requirements and guidance.
Accordingly, the new electronic reporting requirements became effective December 1, 2016. Employers should take a moment to make sure they understand what is required of them under these new rules and ensure they are in compliance. For more information on how these new reporting requirements affect employers now and at the beginning of 2017, see our article on that issue here: https://martinbrowne.com/oshas-new-reporting-rules-part-1-electronic-reporting-requirements/. These new reporting rules also include new guidance which restricts an employer’s ability to conduct automatic post-accident drug testing. For more information on post-accident drug testing under the new rules see our update of August 5, 2016 here: https://martinbrowne.com/oshas-new-reporting-rules-part-2-employee-rights-post-accident-drug-testing/.
For more information, or should you require analysis of how these issues might affect your company, contact the attorneys at Martin, Browne, Hull & Harper, PLL.
This publication is not intended as a substitute for professional legal advice and its receipt does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. If you have any questions about this information, please contact your attorney at Martin, Browne, Hull & Harper, P.L.L. at 937-324-5541.
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